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The power of positive thinking for perfectionists
How to be bad at being good Recently I’ve been trying to define core values in my work. It’s been harder for me than I expected. I’m usually excellent at positive thinking, but when it comes to this issue it seems to backfire. I don’t have to be good at anything, I just need to … Read more
Hip Opening Stretches for Meditation, Part 4
I just finished a one day meditation retreat and noticed, in my peripheral vision, a woman clearly suffering from hip or back pain. She tried everything to get comfortable, including hip opening stretches, but I don’t think it worked. She bowed her head down to release her back. She sat hugging her knees for awhile, … Read more
3 important signs that you need better boundaries
You know that scrunchy end of year feeling? You realize the number of things you still need to get done…but haven’t done yet…and you subconsciously steel yourself to cram it all into the “time you have left?” There you are, your mind, body and schedule filled with stuff. This year, I just can’t do it. … Read more
How to meditate like a baby: hip mobility stretches, part 3
Diving deeper into hip mobility for easier meditation There’s so much instruction out there on how to meditate. Unfortunately, not much of it helps you if you can’t physically do what they say! Because so many folks have tight hips from living life in a chair, you probably know what I’m talking about. You may … Read more
Hip Mobility Stretches for Meditation: Part 2
Your hips aren’t the only joints that need some compassionate attention. This week’s newsletter continues my series on hip mobility stretches for meditation. I’ll start with a gentle reminder though. You can meditate in any position that is comfortable for you: sitting, or lying down, or sitting on high cushions or a meditation bench. The … Read more
Hip Opening Stretches for Meditation
Mobility first, flexibility second Did you end up deepening your meditation practice during the COVID pandemic? Hello! Me too. Sitting for at least 30 minutes every day posed some surprising challenges for me, and I’m a person with lots of body knowledge and a long history of consistent practice with my body. I’m a body … Read more
Staying mobile with neck pain
Trying to stretch or mobilize only your cervical vertebrae may backfire First of all, a reminder that registration for the upcoming Better Boundaries Workshop closes this coming Tuesday, September 13, at midnight. There are 4 spots left. You can find a detailed description of the workshop HERE, and if you are ready to register, go HERE. Now, … Read more
Letting other people be uncomfortable is the bomb
Do you ever feel exhausted after social events? The very word “social” implies fitting in with others, not sticking out, setting others at ease. Unfortunately, that’s often impossible if you are exploring better boundaries and being true to yourself. What if you dress differently? What if your physical appearance is really different from a group … Read more
Knowing your limits is key to resilience
Foundational embodiment supports better boundaries so you can make the most out of catastrophe Have you ever been the recipient of personal catastrophic news? I’m not talking about the collective disasters we all face. I mean personal loss of something or someone that you have a direct, physical relationship with. How do we navigate our … Read more
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