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Knowing your limits is key to resilience

Foundational embodiment supports better boundaries so you can make the most out of catastrophe Have you ever been the recipient of personal catastrophic news? I’m not talking about the collective disasters we all face. I mean personal loss of something or someone that you have a direct, physical relationship with. How do we navigate our … Read more

Breathing Your Way to Better Boundaries

Click on the image above to view this weeks video! Today’s post is about how breathing animates boundaries. A living, breathing boundary is much more powerful than a hard, lifeless one. For inspiration, imagine the incredibly soft tissue of your lungs, how they fill and empty three dimensionally. (If you are willing to view lung … Read more

Embodiment is foundational for better boundaries

Today’s blog post is about one of the 6 awareness preludes I’ve created. They are foundational self-awareness practices that I started sharing on Zoom when the COVID pandemic started. I developed these preludes to show people how flexible their attention can be – often much easier and more fluid than is habitual for them. At … Read more

How to get out of your own way with Mobile Body Alignment

Yesterday one of my students was late for her lesson. I texted her to ask if she was on her way, but my finger slipped and instead I asked “are you in your way? She replied, probably! It made me laugh so hard. I find this kind of humor oddly touching. She was texting from … Read more

Improve downward facing dog with Alexander Technique directions

Dear Readers,  I’ve been focused on self-care for about two weeks, which is why you haven’t heard from me. Hey – if I’m going to be teaching workshops on developing healthier boundaries, I better have some, know what I mean?  Plus, my word of the year is “spontaneous” and these past two weeks have been … Read more


4 Steps Towards Better Boundaries

Healthy boundaries make life so much more fun! When do you move cross them, when do you stay inside them, when do you stand in front of them looking through to the other side? Unfortunately, if you can’t feel them, you literally won’t know when they’ve been crossed, and you can be very vulnerable to burnout.


Sitting with tight hips: How to find dynamic balance in a chair

If you have tight hips to start with, and you sit for 6 – 8 hours a day even 4 days a week, you may be running into some trouble. My clients struggle with discomfort in sitting for two main reasons: They have to sit in a chair attentively for work They have a meditation … Read more


Why is my neck tight and what can I do about it?

This weeks blog post is for everyone who has ever wondered: Why is my neck so tight and what can I do about it? Many of us spend more than half of our day focused on a small screen for one reason or another. That narrow focus shrinks our visual field, stiffens our backs and necks, and make us feel like we are in a straight jacket.


Burnout prevention: the annoying topic you can’t afford to ignore

Click to see a short video about my upcoming Cranial Nerve Sequencing Workshop, April 1 & 2. Once you are in full blown “burnout” it is difficult to get out. Secondary symptoms like sleep deprivation, weight gain, and depression compound one another. Each one requires separate interventions and take time to unpack. That’s why prevention … Read more


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