Mastering business growth for holistic practitioners: passion and market research

Use honesty and passion and to engage your authentic niche. Emotional topic warning! Have you ever dreamed of earning above $100,000 in your holistic practice but felt it just wasn’t possible? You will eventually hit an income ceiling with a private holistic practice, no matter how much you charge per hour. You’ll need a more … Read more

Savor your daily life with the Alexander Technique

What embodiment has to offer positive psychology Can you believe I’ve been made fun of for my peculiar ability to enjoy myself? Apparently, a default sense of wonder and awe towards moving bodies makes me a bit of an eccentric. I’m ok with that, and now research is catching up with me. Nothing makes me … Read more

Fluid Attention for Joyful Embodiment

Harnessing your awareness superpowers with the Alexander Technique Does your attention tend to freeze when you aren’t moving? How much of your day do you spend in one position or location without moving? Or, instead, perhaps you struggle to focus at all, and find that your mind wanders all over the place, making it hard … Read more

Whole body awareness and joy

5 steps to freedom from habits of negative self-judgement Have you ever found yourself in scary loop of self awareness and negativity? Something about you comes into your awareness, and your heart sinks. This starts an often unconscious “trying to fix it loop” that makes you miserable. There’s the visual version of this, when you … Read more

Content Marketing Blues

How content creation can be fun, sustainable, and effective. Marketing exhaustion is real. Embodiment professionals are highly trained and skilled communicators, and we have high standards for marketing. That’s why so many of us get overwhelmed trying to create quality marketing content at the pace needed to bring in enough clients…to earn a full living … Read more

When thoracic outlet syndrome doesn’t resolve

How the Alexander Technique can help you choose your next best course of action I had a new student come in recently complaining of pain and numbness in her hands, arms, and shoulders. A year ago, she got a diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome. Physical therapy and rest had gotten her out of the worst … Read more

Dancing past self-judgement

Body Scripting: Tamar Rogoff’s liberatory dance practice

Does your mind judge you harshly when you move your body in wild ways and take up space? Many people tell me they feel way too shy or clumsy to take a dance class. This is the dark side of the mind-body connection! Here’s what you can do about it.

Financial abundance for embodiment professionals

How you can stress less and truly enjoy your first 5 years in business Big news… I’m coming out of the closet. Yes, it’s true. I’m obsessed with financial abundance for embodiment professionals. In addition to my teaching practice, I’ve been a business coach and mentor for the last 5 years. This was easy for … Read more

How to stretch your neck more effectively

Using rotational movement to stretch neck muscles: lessons learned from Cranial Nerve 11 When I see the crazy neck stretches out there in video land, I cringe. There should never be any forcing or strain when it comes to the delicate structures inside your neck and throat. That’s why I made this video. This is … Read more

A quiet evening with your vagus nerve

Your body needs time to receive There is a crazy emphasis on giving, giving, giving, here in the USA during the holidays. The sheer volume of it can be so overwhelming that your body starts to shut down. You need ample time and space to physically receive what is given, to savor it, digest it, … Read more