How To Grow A Successful Membership Community

Today I’m delighted to share with you an interview with my dear Alexander Technique colleague Imogen Ragone on how and why she built a membership community as a part of her business, BodyIntelligence. Membership community is one way holistic practitioners can increase income and “scale up” our businesses. Unfortunately, it can be a big energy … Read more

The Gift of Desperation

Why your body wants you to stop trying to be a better person Words of Wisdom from a Somanaut I think desperation is undervalued. It’s what happens when your body’s response to something becomes uncontrollable. Welcome it, and thank yourself for being healthy enough, human enough, to experience emotion. It’s an incredible opportunity to stop … Read more

Coming to our senses without getting overwhelmed

Dear Friends, Does this ever happen to you: You sit down to meditate. Within 30 seconds you receive messages of distress and discomfort from your body-brain. Something else is needed, and this isn’t it… What can you do when the practices you rely on don’t produce the calming effect you so desperately need? I’ll answer … Read more

Small Acts of Kindness Matter

When the world is on fire, it’s hard to believe that one act of kindness matters.

Especially kindness towards yourself.

In fact, studies show that we grossly underestimate the positive effects of small acts of kindness, stopping us from doing what our heart asks us to do. Negativity bias really throws us for a loop.

Transform social anxiety with embodiment coaching

This video explores the correlation between ease of movement and fluidity of attention. Both fixed and fluid attention are fundamental awareness skills necessary for cultivating states of flow and joy. If you suffer from social anxiety, these embodiment skills can really help.

Witnessing pain before taking action

Alexander Technique wisdom for your nervous system Do you feel conflicted about what to say or do in the presence of suffering? It’s impossible to know what will or won’t exacerbate the pain. This is true when witnessing other people’s struggles, but also in witnessing our own. Witnessing what’s going on without judgement takes emotional … Read more

Free Your Breathing with Fluid Attention

A somatic approach to Alexander Technique Constructive Rest Constructive rest is a deceptively simple, transformative embodiment practice. It was invented and adapted by generations of Alexander Technique teachers who want their students to practice on their own. The first generation of teachers trained by F.M. Alexander (from 1931 – 1955) developed “lying down work” to … Read more

Whole body awareness and joy

5 steps to freedom from habits of negative self-judgement Have you ever found yourself in scary loop of self awareness and negativity? Something about you comes into your awareness, and your heart sinks. This starts an often unconscious “trying to fix it loop” that makes you miserable. There’s the visual version of this, when you … Read more

A quiet evening with your vagus nerve

Your body needs time to receive There is a crazy emphasis on giving, giving, giving, here in the USA during the holidays. The sheer volume of it can be so overwhelming that your body starts to shut down. You need ample time and space to physically receive what is given, to savor it, digest it, … Read more

Hip Opening Stretches for Meditation

Mobility first, flexibility second Did you end up deepening your meditation practice during the COVID pandemic? Hello! Me too. Sitting for at least 30 minutes every day posed some surprising challenges for me, and I’m a person with lots of body knowledge and a long history of consistent practice with my body. I’m a body … Read more