Why is my neck tight and what can I do about it?

This weeks blog post is for everyone who has ever wondered: Why is my neck so tight and what can I do about it? Many of us spend more than half of our day focused on a small screen for one reason or another. That narrow focus shrinks our visual field, stiffens our backs and necks, and make us feel like we are in a straight jacket.

How to fix a stiff neck and turn your head easily

TURNING YOUR HEAD EASILY BY USING YOUR EYES: AN EXPLORATION OF THE 6th CRANIAL NERVE, THE ABDUCENS You can’t turn your head easily if you have a stiff neck. You aren’t able to be fully aware of your surroundings when you can’t turn your head, and that’s scary. Your ability to move and be aware … Read more

How can I find the best posture?

The only reason to work on having good posture is to improve your mobility and live your best life! Not to look good or please other people. Your best life is unique. Live your own life, in your own body. When someone gives you tips for good posture – take a moment, check in, and … Read more


I’m feeling humbled today. I was going to write an article about my dermatome mapping process for publication in the American Society for the Alexander Technique Journal. I’m going to miss my deadline. It’s too important to rush. Though I know the practice really works, that people gain ease and more coordination, I don’t know … Read more