Redefining sanity: the ability to fall apart & recover

When words escape us, it’s time to fall down on the ground and rest. Anyone that has any sense of empathy, morality, and ethics may be feeling broken right now. What can we do, as therapists and healers, when sanity feels crazy? Words escape us for a reason, and it’s OK to not have answers. … Read more

Integrating personal somatic practices in daily life

A conversation with somatic therapist Jamie McHugh What is a “somatic practice,” why should you have one, and if you do have one how can you integrate it into daily life? Somatic practices are, in a broad sense, any practice during which you have the safety, space and time to feel sensation in your body … Read more

Should Somatic Training be Foundational for Therapists?

An interview with Alison Taylor, Gestalt Psychotherapist and Alexander Technique teacher While the world gets increasingly stressed out, those of us who are lucky enough to have found a good therapist, and are well resourced enough to continue working with them, count our blessings. This blessed relationship sometimes makes the difference between things falling apart … Read more

How To Grow A Successful Membership Community

Today I’m delighted to share with you an interview with my dear Alexander Technique colleague Imogen Ragone on how and why she built a membership community as a part of her business, BodyIntelligence. Membership community is one way holistic practitioners can increase income and “scale up” our businesses. Unfortunately, it can be a big energy … Read more

Somatic movement as radical resistance

Last week I led a short, live embodiment practice for Global Somatic Movement Day, an online event hosted by the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association. The image above links to my offering, but you can also view the whole playlist from this special day here). My offering explored just one cranial nerve (CN5, … Read more

The Gift of Desperation

Why your body wants you to stop trying to be a better person Words of Wisdom from a Somanaut I think desperation is undervalued. It’s what happens when your body’s response to something becomes uncontrollable. Welcome it, and thank yourself for being healthy enough, human enough, to experience emotion. It’s an incredible opportunity to stop … Read more

Coming to our senses without getting overwhelmed

Dear Friends, Does this ever happen to you: You sit down to meditate. Within 30 seconds you receive messages of distress and discomfort from your body-brain. Something else is needed, and this isn’t it… What can you do when the practices you rely on don’t produce the calming effect you so desperately need? I’ll answer … Read more

Small Acts of Kindness Matter

When the world is on fire, it’s hard to believe that one act of kindness matters.

Especially kindness towards yourself.

In fact, studies show that we grossly underestimate the positive effects of small acts of kindness, stopping us from doing what our heart asks us to do. Negativity bias really throws us for a loop.

Body Awareness vs. Overthinking

Awareness Preludes for Ease & Confidence Do you struggle with overthinking? Perhaps you were bullied, intensely criticized, or made to feel that you are less than, stupid, or ugly at some point in your past.  You overthink things and feel overwhelming anxiety sometimes when you have to face challenges in your life… but you don’t … Read more

Financial Projections for Holistic Practitioners

Discover the joy (yes, joy!) of setting modest growth goals and learn to love financial planning. Start by answering three vital questions to align with your purpose, then download the comprehensive financial projections chart and envision a year of financial success and personal growth for your holistic business.