“Those who do not move,
do not notice their chains.”
- Rosa Luxemburg

About Clare Maxwell

Sitting still and being quiet was never my forte. I was born with joyful connection to my body and a natural trust in my physical intelligence. I loved dancing just for fun. I was aware of my body and loved my body.
That connection was broken by overtraining when I became a professional dancer. I worked so hard at it that I started to dissociate from my body just to get through the pain.
My standards for myself during my dance career were extremely high. I was forced by multiple injuries and emotional pain to re-examine those standards and see that they were destroying my career, not sustaining it.
The Alexander Technique, which I encountered by accident in a dance class, showed me how to let go of self-destructive attitudes and replace them with positive movement practices that were more in harmony with the actual design of my unique body, mind, and spirit.
The Technique calmly centered me in my own perceptions. I could stay present in myself without dissociating even under stress. I recovered my ability to dance easily and expansively—to fly!—with just the right amount of tension. I found my real voice as an artist and stopped trying to be like other dancers.
The Technique restored my trust in and love of my own body. I healed multiple injuries while still staying active professionally and was astonished at the growth in my technical skill and range. All this was possible without toxic overthinking and unnecessary muscular effort of the past. The Alexander Technique became the foundation on which I built an joyful and sustainable career as an independent dance artist and embodiment educator.
I worked with choreographers John Jasperse, Ann Carlson, and many others. Surprise surprise, I became one myself! I toured the US and Europe and had a blast. Eventually my dream to train as a teacher of the Alexander Technique came true, and I settled down in NYC. After two decades of teaching, however, I became frustrated with the lack of life-affirming motion in traditional Alexander Technique teaching and practice.
I wanted to help my students and fellow teachers apply the AT principles more freely to all movement. To that end, I trained extensively with a group of AT teachers that use developmental movement as a framework for learning, inspired by Professor Raymond Dart and the Dart Procedures. This led me to a deep inquiry into the central nervous system and the segmental structure of the human body.
Developmental movement study led to a more wholistic view of human development in general, and brought about fruitful collaborations with psychologists, therapists, and others in the helping professionals.
I now mentor holistic practitioners in their creative & business development. I believe that it is our responsibility to communicate the value of somatic awareness and real embodiment in the marketplace - and to create profitable businesses. This is one powerful way to change a profoundly disembodied culture.
I also continue to work on live theater productions as a movement coach. Over the years I've worked with Sarah Cameron Sunde, Marielle Heller, and most recently on the brilliant play What to Send Up When It Goes Down by Aleshea Harris.
I am a certified as a teacher by The American Society for the Alexander Technique and The International Somatic Movement Education And Therapy Association. I completed my training at The American Center for the Alexander Technique in New York City and taught on the volunteer faculty there for 10 years. I am certified in The Art of Breathing and have done extensive postgraduate work in the Dart Procedures with Joan and Alex Murray, Marie Stroud, and Luc Vanier.
4 core values of Embodied Learning Systems:
1. Your sensate body is the foundation of all language & learning.
2. Embodiment practice starts with acceptance of your body as it is.
3. Your connection with your body is an infinite source of deep resilience and is worthy of your time and energy.
4. Full embodiment disrupts inhumane, oppressive systems and fosters a sense of belonging in the natural world.
Ways to study with Clare at Embodied Learning Systems:

Mobile Body Alignment™ Open Weekly Group Class
- Get mobilized and energized for your day
- Recover lost mobility
- Expand existing movement range and expression
- Discover your own unique grace and coordination

Private somatic coaching: The Alexander Technique, plus...
Check out my private coaching page for more information on my unique discoveries and methods, all of which are rooted in a classical Alexander Technique training.

Somatic Educators & Therapists Mastermind Group
If you are:
- An Alexander Technique or Feldenkrais teacher
- A somatic innovator with more than one training
- A professional dance educator
- A professional somatic therapist
- A professional movement expert of any kind!
Are you tired of being overworked and underpaid for your movement expertise? Are you ready to make an abundant living from the work you love best? People need to get in touch and stay in touch with their bodies now more than ever.
Your unique teaching voice is the core of all your marketing. No other mastermind group will understand that relationship the way we do – I know, because I’ve tried them. I can help you develop your marketing materials organically, using your teaching voice as the guide.
My small and curated mastermind groups are places to learn the foundational principles of building a business - not some highly packaged marketing method. Marketing is only one part of a holistic business plan.
Knowing these foundations can make all the difference between burnout and success.

Alexander Technique Teachers Learning Community
The Experimenters Union is an online work-exchange community for innovative Alexander Technique teachers. We test, verify and improve our teaching online. We support each other’s growth and development using a mindfully designed, non-hierarchical, facilitated format for work exchange.