Holistic Practitioners, Embodiment Teachers, Therapists & Healers
♥Build your embodiment skills
♥Build an abundant business
♥Develop your unique teaching voice
ELS supports personal, creative, and business development for holistic practitioners, embodiment educators, and therapists who want to build sustainable and prosperous practices.
We know how hard it is to lead the way in a profoundly disembodied culture, yet we also know that now is our time. People need the skills we have now more than ever to stay present, stay healthy, and have the heart to work towards a better future.
Embodied Learning Systems offers 4 forms of support for you to create an abundant, vital holistic business.
♥ Free Learning Community for Alexander Technique Teachers only:
Discover your unique teaching voice without having to please a guru or master teacher through structured, high level work exchange in a co-facilitated Learning Community that I founded in 2018. Develop the courage to be visible as your real self in the presence of colleagues who are willing to risk vulnerability and make mistakes. Meetings are run using a format that is emotionally, physically, and psychologically safe to share work and receive feedback.
♥ $250 Per Month Mastermind Group:
Know you need ongoing support to get your business to a place where it is sustainable and satisfying? You can get on the waiting list for my Mastermind Group that meets twice a month to fill in the blanks in your fundamental business building skill set, and get accountability and targeted support to increase your income.
♥ $200 per session 1:1 Business Coaching: Feeling overwhelmed by 3 - 5 key business decisions and want some skilled thought partnership? The first step is to book a free, no sales pressure 45 minute interview. I'll guide you to key resources and elements of business development that you may be missing.
If you decide we are a good fit, you can book your first 1:1 session or try a 6 month package if it's needed. I don't want you to be spending huge amounts of money on programs that aren't going to meet your needs, so lets talk first.
Let's face it. Not having enough money is bad for your health.
♥ Finally, ELS also offers foundational self-care skills workshops that will help you hold healthy boundaries with your clients, engage them more fully in their own development, and build a truly abundant and sustainable business doing what you love. The next workshop is a Cranial Nerve Sequencing intensive.
There is a myth that innovators should be motivational superheroes, but we are fragile human beings like everyone else. We often need more support than we get for holding a very challenging position in society with integrity. We struggle with a competitive job market, lack of access to business development skills, taking care of ourselves, and trusting that our hard-won skills are good enough.
Formulaic business models won’t work for us. I know because I’ve tried many of them. Our businesses must reflect our unique, often hybrid forms of expertise. Many of us have two, three, or four different licenses or trainings. What we really need is business smarts, not another training. We have to be crystal clear in our marketing and public facing content, and we are the only ones that can help each other get that clarity - because we understand each other so well.
That’s why Embodied Learning Systems offers the following forms of support:

ELS Courses for Therapists and Somatic Professionals
ELS Business Support Mastermind Group
Feeling burnt out and need to center your own body through somatic practice?
Join the next Coming To Our Senses Online Retreat Oct 26 - 27.
Mastermind Groups are full, but spots open up occasionally. Book a free 45 minute interview to be put on the waiting list or see if we are a good fit for private coaching.
That’s why Embodied Learning Systems offers the following forms of support:
ELS Mobile Body Alignment Dance Classes
For the weekly open Mobile Body Alignment Dance Class.

Courses for Embodiment Professionals
Business Support Mastermind Group
Interested in developing better boundaries and deep resilience through clear, rigorous embodiment practice? Click here for info on the next
Cranial Nerve Sequencing Workshop for Deep Resilience.
Open to all Holistic Practitioners who want to earn an abundant living working with clients they adore.
All groups are currently full.
Book a free 45 min strategy session to see if we are a good fit for private coaching, or to join the waiting list!
That’s why Embodied Learning Systems offers the following forms of support:

ELS Cranial Nerve Sequencing Courses
ELS Cranial Nerve Sequencing Courses

ELS Mobile Body Alignment Dance Classes
For the weekly open Mobile Body Alignment Dance Classss

Business Support Mastermind Group
Open to all Holistic Practitioners who want to earn an abundant living working with clients they adore.

ELS Experimenters Union
For Alexander Technique teachers only
- Find your own authentic teaching voice
- Develop your unique work through research and reflection in community
- Build trust in your teaching skills through playful improvisation and first-person feedback from highly skilled colleagues
- Cultivate compassion for yourself as both learner & teacher
- Extend this grounded compassion to colleagues and clients
- Develop the collaborative skills that build better professional relationships in all areas of your career

Business Support Mastermind Group
- Build a sustainable, authentic, effective marketing plan that doesn’t exhaust you
- Learn how to manage more visibility without freaking out
- Learn how to effectively communicate your unique work to the clients you love working with best
- Get clarity about what business structure is best for you and how you will use it to reach your financial goals
Six-month commitment includes:
- Two facilitated Mastermind group meetings per month
- One private session with Clare per quarter
- Free membership in The Experimenters Union
- Access to core business success curriculum that you can work through at your own pace
- Free add-on webinars on course-content creation, clarifying your niche, and other topics

ELS Mobile Body Alignment Courses
- Cultivate healthy and ethical boundaries
- Bypass your own self-consciousness as a professional through the spirit of experiment
- Learn how to let go of excess tension while teaching or working with clients
Help yourself and your students or clients:
- Overcome negative body image and body image distortion with Dermatome Mapping
- Prevent distraction, overwhelm, and rigidity in the learning environment with the six Attention Stretches
- Enhance natural fluidity, spatial awareness, and ease in motion with the 17 Mobile Body Alignment Points
- Re-calibrate voluntary/autonomic systems and sensorimotor functioning for optimum use with Cranial Nerve Sequencing: voice, breathing, digestion, cognition, movement, balance, and posture

Sign up for my weekly newsletter and start connecting to your own body intelligence now with a steady diet of educational content that is easy to understand and supported by concrete practices that you can do on your own.
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
- Alan Watts