Embodied Marketing for Holistic Health Practitioners
Are you a holistic health practitioner or embodiment educator struggling to decide who your niche is? A clear niche makes marketing so much easier, but a fake one can be a huge waste of time…so no rush, OK? No need to fake it if it isn’t obvious to you already.
In this post, I show you how to use empathy with current clients to create marketing content that will reveal an authentic, clear niche over time. The video above is a guided meditation to make your writing process much easier.
There are two focal points that will help you build a compelling narrative:
- The problem your clients are trying to solve
- The passion they can’t realize fully until they solve the problem
This newsletter will focus on “the problem”. Stay tuned for passion in the next newsletter!
Please don’t let confusion about your niche stop you from marketing. Confusion can bring up perfectionism and it’s best friend, procrastination. Honestly, nothing should stop you from regular marketing.
My mission is to help you get clear on the next right action to take, so you can stay in motion. Creating empathetic content helps you start building your business now.
Keep creating content, find out who is responding to that content, and your niche will slowly reveal itself.
Even if you do have a clear niche, the suggestions I’m making are still valuable. They can help you keep your current audience engaged, and help you develop better products and services for them.
Some holistic health practitioners know their core audience right away. Recent examples in my community are:
- Pre-or post-partum moms
- Women runners over 70
- Professional singers
- Amateur singers
- Rich people who want to be fit (yes, really!)
Gosh, wouldn’t you love it if your niche was that clear? You are not alone. I’d say at least 50% of the folks I work with aren’t clear when we first meet, and I myself struggled with this one for years.
To begin, choose one person you have worked with who experienced transformation. It should be someone you enjoyed, of course!
No success is too small. In fact, I find that sensitive practitioners tend to minimize their successes.
(If you don’t have any clients yet, just create content about your own transformation through the work you do, using these prompts, and you will have some soon.)
Think about who that person was when your first met them. Tell the story (with ethical boundaries and consent, of course) about the very specific healing or educational work you do while empathizing with the difficulties your client faced. Here’s the first focus I suggest:
The Problem:
- What were they struggling with – in their own words?
- How did they talk about themselves and the problem?
- What could you see in them that they didn’t know about themselves…yet?
Then, think about the work you did with them. What specific elements of what you do, and how you do it, came alive in relationship with this person?
- Empathize with their struggles
How was their life being negatively affected and what was that like for them? What were they losing, missing out on, or longing for that they couldn’t access?
- Tell the story of how things got better
How did they find the courage to face their suffering and do the work? Describe the growth process of your client and your work together without exaggeration. Empathy for them is more important than telling a flashy “success” story. Did their transformation effect their family or community?
- Give hope
How can you give hope to people with similar struggles honestly? A humble statement of potential and possibility will go far for those who don’t know what you know. They will spot hype a mile away.
- Educate
Give details of that person’s experience with a specific service you offer or skill set you teach. Break the steps of the process down so your audience will be able to remember and practice a little bit of that process. Share specific practices and educate your potential clients.
These questions help you create compelling content without having to know precisely who your niche is.
Your audience will let you know who they are by responding. Any engagement on your chosen marketing platform – even just one person – is meaningful in this distracted world. Use any means you can to find out exactly who these folks are. Look at their social media profiles, google their names, etc. Slowly but surely, you will discover who your “niche” is.
That’s enough for now – stay tuned next week for more about how to discover their passions – and yours!
This an example of the Embodied Marketing process that I teach holistic health practitioners in my Mastermind Groups. A new group is opening this September, and I’m looking for just the right folks (6 total) to be a part of it.
If you are interested, book a no-sales-pressure free 45 minute biz strategy session. You’ll leave the session with three action steps to get you moving forward in your business, and I’ll get information about what your real-life struggles are that helps me serve my clients better. It’s a win-win.