Who doesn’t need a little help getting unstuck from 2020? So many of my friends are telling me that their bodies are just really tight and uncomfortable from being inside more than usual, from not having enough spontaneous, unpredictable, fun movement in their life.
Even though they go outside every day. Even though they do stretches and exercises, their bodies are getting tighter and painful in surprising ways from being in semi-lockdown.
All of our activities have become so deliberate and predictable. Everything we do – seeing a friend, going to the grocery store, setting aside some time for our body, has to be planned and conscious. Pre-planning and conscious choice are great, but our body also needs spontaneity and surprise. If we don’t encounter unpredictable situations we start to feel stuck in rut, a routine. We really need to play! So…
Every year I offer a special sale during the long, cold winter. I do this to encourage you to take the plunge and commit to a short course of lessons.
Have you reached the end of the rope, the end of the line, the end of 2020? Need a guide in how to create fun, unpredictable, yet healing physical practice for yourself that will affect work, play, and life in 2021 for the better?
This offer is for you – and if you sign up for it before the end of the year, you will get in under the wire because my rates are going up January 1.
Four private coaching sessions (normally $400) for $350. Click here to give yourself this gift.