How To Grow A Successful Membership Community

Today I’m delighted to share with you an interview with my dear Alexander Technique colleague Imogen Ragone on how and why she built a membership community as a part of her business, BodyIntelligence. Membership community is one way holistic practitioners can increase income and “scale up” our businesses. Unfortunately, it can be a big energy … Read more

Social media for holistic practitioners: Is YouTube the best?

Choosing the right social media marketing channel, and sticking to it, is one of the most important business decisions you need to make. I recommend YouTube to most of my business coaching clients. Most of them are educators in one way or another, and YouTube is great for educational content. However, it takes time to … Read more

Financial Projections for Holistic Practitioners

Discover the joy (yes, joy!) of setting modest growth goals and learn to love financial planning. Start by answering three vital questions to align with your purpose, then download the comprehensive financial projections chart and envision a year of financial success and personal growth for your holistic business.

Why holistic practitioners need to be better storytellers

Communication secrets for creative solo-preneurs with Madeline Schwarz The holistic practitioners I mentor are some of the most innovative, creative people I know. They have synthetic minds and see connections that other people miss. They have a rich inner life, but sometimes struggle to get their brilliant ideas out to a larger audience. If this … Read more

Overcoming fear of success

Tell stories about your own flaws and rough edges (in service of teaching others what you learned). People don’t resonate with success; they resonate with overcoming obstacles and living to tell the tale.

6 ways to break isolation for solo-preneurs

Isolation can be double deadly for small business owners, who make up a shocking 99.9% of the economy here in the USA. Furthermore, 8 out of 10 small businesses have only one employee. You. Here’s how you can break the isolation without breaking the bank.

Market research: The Joy Factor

How holistic practitioners can increase income by integrating market research into their business I see so many of my beloved colleagues struggle with marketing themselves. I so totally get it. There is good news! More marketing is not what creates more income. Market research, on the other hand, is. It generates more effective marketing content … Read more

Mastering business growth for holistic practitioners: passion and market research

Use honesty and passion and to engage your authentic niche. Emotional topic warning! Have you ever dreamed of earning above $100,000 in your holistic practice but felt it just wasn’t possible? You will eventually hit an income ceiling with a private holistic practice, no matter how much you charge per hour. You’ll need a more … Read more